July 28, 2023
Satori Values

When we first started the process of pinning down what values best represented Satori, we really tried to focus on what would be important to think about when we were taking actions or making decisions that would affect those closest to us.
Out of this thinking came our core values of Vulnerability, Empowerment, Thoughtful Action, Manifestation and Earned Loyalty.
When companies set out to define their values, virtually all end up using the word integrity, or honesty or respect, or any other thoroughly generic terms. The reason for this ultimately comes down to laziness in how they undertake this important exercise, and at the end of the day, it just doesn't mean a whole lot to them.
Integrity, honesty, and respect; these are values that every good organization should hold, regardless of what their beliefs are. For most companies, the values they choose just end up written on a piece of paper and stuck on a wall somewhere, to be rarely thought about or referred to.
As a company, you can put the effort into choosing your values, only to ever be regurgitated in meetings and marketing without ever thinking about them past a skin-deep level, or you can actively work to incorporate your values into the core of your company and how it operates, which is guaranteed to have a much larger and more purposeful impact. When it comes down to it, this is really what makes a core value a core value.
When we undertook the exercise of defining Satori’s core values, it was important that we came to a specific set that were unique to us. It was integral to the whole process that we actually set out to measure our future growth and our future decision-makingdecision making against them, ensuring that any actions we took closely aligned with the values we held.
To no small extent, the intention of this exercise was focused on figuring out how Satori can bring value to the people around us, and at the end of the day, the people you’re going to have the biggest impact on over the course of your life are yourself, your family and the people you work with.
If Satori can help create an environment that enables our employees to head home at the end of the day with a sense of positive self-esteem, then we're helping to send constructive fathers and mothers, husbands and wives and siblings back into their communities.
If we really want to bring the most lasting and positive impact we can to our employees, their families and our community as a whole, then the most effective thing we can do is send home happy, constructive people.
In all of this, it is important to remember that every decision Satori makes produces a ripple effect. We incorporated the ripples into our logo in part as a constant reminder that there are ramifications to our actions, for better or for worse, beyond what we can personally see and understand.
The constructiveness that we bring to our own community through our actions produces that same ripple effect. It can positively impact way more than we directly see.
As we worked on defining our core values, it was critical to try to encourage a dynamic that would lead to us being able to provide the most meaningful and lasting impact we possibly could for our community.
Our core values of Vulnerability, Empowerment, Thoughtful Action, Manifestation and Earned Loyalty are all articles of our thinking that Satori can have no greater impact than just positively affecting the people around us and having the ripples from our actions flow out into our communities in a beneficial and constructive way.
Vulnerability is the first step in creating an environment of trust and potential change. By staying mindful of our humanity, we recognize that we may not always have the answers or the perfect solution - and that’s OK. With patients, vulnerability means remembering that we’ve all been patients ourselves, recognizing that patients often need empathy and a kind touch. Internally, vulnerability means we recognize that finding a better way often starts with a critical eye to how it’s ‘always been done’ - and that honest dialogue about one’s idea isn’t a character attack.
Empowerment is the purposeful removal of any obstacles and roadblocks that stand in the way of an individual achieving their goals. A direct result of the trust created in vulnerability, empowerment means we give people the tools, encouragement, and the authority to make informed decisions for themselves. With patients, empowerment means that we enable our patients to direct their healthcare journey with the knowledge that members of the Satori team will offer expert guidance. Internally, empowerment means our employees are given latitude and encouraged to make the most of their roles and provide the most significant impact.
Thoughtful Action is the practice of staying mindful that everything we do can have a far-reaching impact. Even when making small decisions, we are conscious of the outward ripple effect of amplified impact. With patients, thoughtful action means recognizing that seemingly small changes and a positive experience impacts more than that one patient - it impacts their family, the community, and the Satori team standing behind them. Internally, thoughtful action means choosing and implementing policies and procedures through the lens of their team-wide impact. We know that our support, encouragement, and consideration of colleagues will help them deliver better experiences to all patients.
Manifestation is acting on the sincere belief that a vulnerable, empowered team taking thoughtful action will significantly change our communities and our industry. At Satori, we use our energy to find solutions - not complain about problems. With patients, manifestation means we encourage participation in the Collaborative Care Model and share the model’s success stories. Internally, manifestation means we enthusiastically buy into what Satori Health is trying to accomplish through its innovative and unique approach, collectively finding ways to improve it as we go.
Earned Loyalty is acknowledging that building trusting relationships takes consistency and time. Everyone within the Satori Network needs to act in the best interest of those they serve, especially those in leadership positions or those with influence over the vulnerable. With patients, earned loyalty means recognizing that patients have options, and our actions will influence their support of the changes we are manifesting. Internally, earned loyalty is the recognition that the Satori leadership team can’t simply demand buy-in. We recognize that buy-in happens when those in leadership roles act out our values daily - starting with vulnerability.