Tammy Rogers
Nurse Practitioner
Practicing Clinic
Tammy Rogers, Family Practice Nurse Practitioner, brings a wealth of experience in geriatrics, both clinically and educationally. She is deeply committed to providing comprehensive care and fostering a collaborative approach to healthcare. Tammy thrives within the collaborative care model at Satori and the Greenview team, where she values teamwork and mutual support in delivering patient-centered care. Outside of her professional endeavors, Tammy finds joy in staying active and embracing the outdoors. Whether it's working out, camping, ATV'ing, or exploring wilderness and ocean settings with her partner Aaron, she relishes in the beauty of nature. Additionally, Tammy's passion for cooking and entertaining extends to her love for hosting gatherings with family and friends. In the future, she looks forward to welcoming another German Shepherd into her life.
satori (sə-ˈtȯr-ē)
A sudden feeling of enlightenment. Often considered an experience which cannot be expressed with words.