Dr. Richa Love
Practicing Clinic
Dr. Richa Love (MD) completed her medical training at both University of Calgary and the University of Alberta. She has been practicing in Calgary for almost 25 years as a leading family physician and has emerged as a distinguished leader in her community. She nurtured and ran a thriving clinic that remains a cornerstone of the community's healthcare landscape. Dr. Love’s passion lies in championing mental health care, advocating for proactive assessment, destigmatizing mental illness, and integrating innovative treatment approaches. She is actively involved in medical research and teaching and has presented at multiple international and national medical conferences on topics of mental health and chronic pain. In addition to her professional pursuits, Dr. Love enjoys time with her grown up children, hiking and writing.
satori (sə-ˈtȯr-ē)
A sudden feeling of enlightenment. Often considered an experience which cannot be expressed with words.